
Please use this form to get in touch with us. If you wish to enrol in any of our course, we ask that you fill out all sections below so we can enrol you.

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Please allow up to 72 hours to receive your login details. If you have not received these within this timeframe, email us at
ReNew are commissioned to train residents of Kingston Upon Hull as well as those who work within the City who are over 18. We therefore ask these questions to ensure you meet these requirements
Your personal details that you share with us at enrolment are used purely to assess your suitability to access our course(s). As a service we are required to collate data for statistical purposes, but this will only be the first part of your postcode, age, and occupation. We do not require your name, date of birth, address, or anything else that may identify you.
Yes, we require you to complete the contact form for each course you wish to undertake. We ask this as we manually enrol you after we check your details to ensure you meet the requirements of our learning site